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Know Why Young People Are Experiencing Infertility At An Early Age

Infertility is a serious health condition that has always been underestimated and not given much importance in society. There’s a word for a person who lost her wife. 

There’s a word for a boy who lost both parents, but there’s no word for an individual who lost the potential of having a baby and is isolated from the joy of parenting. And as a result, addressing infertility has become undeniably important because most people have it, but don’t know about it. The prevalence of infertility is on the rise Dr. Nidhi Sharma the veteran fertility specialist addresses some of the primary drivers deserting fertility in couples. 

The main highlight of today’s article is to understand why today people in their 20s are experiencing infertility.

What Is Infertility? 

Infertility is a medical condition defined by the inability to conceive a child or carry a pregnancy to full term after a period of regular and unprotected sexual intercourse. It’s typically diagnosed when a couple has been actively trying to conceive for at least one year without success. Infertility can affect both men and women and may result from a variety of factors.

Infertility Complexities In Both Women And Men 

Females experiencing infertility problems are common, almost one out of 10 women suffer from infertility health conditions, but don’t know about it. In addition, infertility can happen to both men and women while for men it’s hard for society to digest the fact that for most of them, infertility is a female health problem. Infertility in women can happen due to various conditions, such as thyroid issues, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis. On the other hand, infertility in men can occur due to low sperm count or testosterone levels. The chances of infertility increase as you become older.

Several Factors Affecting Your Fertility 

Infertility is a more prevalent issue than many realize, and it can be attributed to various factors, some of which are intertwined with societal shifts. In previous decades, women typically started their families at around the age of 21, but today, that age has shifted to approximately 26 or 27 years old. 

Many couples choose to delay parenthood to pursue higher education or establish their careers. However, this delay in family planning can expose individuals to increased environmental pollutants and risks of sexually transmitted diseases over time. Additionally, as couples age, they are more prone to encountering health challenges that may necessitate medical assistance when trying to conceive.

Primary Drivers Of Infertility 

Age is no longer a common factor contributing to infertility, other factors play a pivotal role in making you infertile, such as poor lifestyle habits, and environmental influences ( pollution, radiation, heavy metals, etc). Here we’ve listed other primary drivers that can affect your fertility with time- 

PCOS/ PCOD ( Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ) 

PCOD is a common hormonal disease that mainly occurs when a female body produces a high amount of male hormone ( androgen ). Obesity, hereditary genes, and consumption of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol can trigger PCOD. Weight loss and period-regularizing medications, such as birth control pills, progestin therapy, or fertility treatments like Clomid, are all part of the treatment.

Ovaries Dysfunctioning 

This means a woman is either not ovulating properly or does not ovulate at all. Ovulation complexities are the main nerve of female infertility. This health condition can be easily addressed with medications. 

Infertility In Males 

Approximately one-third of fertility challenges can be attributed to male factors. These issues may encompass low sperm count or quality, insufficient sperm production, testicular abnormalities, and difficulties in achieving ejaculation, all of which contribute to male-driven infertility. Various underlying causes can lead to these problems, including past illnesses, infections, physical injuries, aging, genetic factors, hormonal imbalances, the presence of varicoceles (enlarged veins within the scrotum), and lifestyle choices such as smoking or exposure to heat and chemicals.

Experience A Joy Of Parenting With International Pride IVF Centre 

Take the first step towards realizing your dream of parenthood with International Pride IVF. Our team of seasoned fertility specialists and cutting-edge clinical technologies are here to support you on your journey to a family. Contact us today for the best infertility treatment in Varanasi and begin your path to a brighter future.

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